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Stone room and tune-hall.

Fra, 3 April

Stone room is a room with live, bright acoustic.
Mainly, it is meant for recording of percussion instruments.
In Spivaki records stone room has no parallel walls, besides, one of which is made inclined and ceiling has incline too.
Final wall decoration of stone room will be made of wild rock and we choose red granite for it.

Tune hall is the main (from the musicians' point of view) room of soundrecording studio.
We create our acoustic hall like a room with variable acoustic.
We provide for sliding panels made of different materials which allow change parameters of sound reflections in easy way.
In acoustic hall there are no parallel walls; ceiling has some angles of inclination.
Height of tune-hall in max point is 6m.
Final decorating of tune-hall is transparent (in acoustic meaning) material and different kinds of wood.

Both of quarters are made on the principle "the room inside the room".
On the "floating" floor we are installing multi-ply walls on which the ceiling is mounted.
Walls and ceiling of acoustic skeleton do not touch with walls and ceiling of bearing room.

Upper level of the floor in both soundrecording rooms is piny board.
Outdoor windows will be "strengthened" with extra glass 1.2mm thick.
Between the tune-hall and stone room there will be installed sliding glass doors.

In the stone room there were already mounted all acoustic levels, so it was just left laying of stone (which we have not selected yet).
In acoustic hall there were laid multi-ply floor, on which walls were installed.
We start mounting of ceiling.

photo by Eugenia Dedishcheva.

Сountryside view. Springtime.

Acoustic hall. There were installed multi-ply walls.

Acoustic hall. There were installed multi-ply walls.

Stone room in expectation of final decoration with red grani...

Stone room in expectation of final decoration with red grani...

Multi-ply walls construction. Passage between stone room and...

Spivaki records. Common view.

Openair platform of Spivaki records.

Сountryside view. Springtime.


designed by art
© 2008 Spivaki Records